Four are complete squadrons, the others are odds and sods as you can see - the Cuirassiers du Roi below being a prime example. I took Stokes method of dry-brushing black horses with Navy Blue and ran with it.
My Schombourgs will be finished first though, as I have the second squadron lined up ready for painting and eight of their horses already done.
Royal Pologne will not be far behind - I've another half dozen troopers part-painted for them and will only need another half doz. on top of that to finish them off.
Nicely done. I think La Reine is my favorate so far. There's just something about their stately advance that just says heavy cavalry. Yep, well done sir, and His Majesty's complements. - Mike (St. Maurice)
They all look good, Greg. Very nice, sir.
-- Jeff
Reich Duke Wilhelm was heard to say "handsome lads all". Well done!!!
Very fine cavalry, all, though the recruiting is further more ahead with some units than others.
I'm curious about the basing though. Care to tell us about them?
The bases are Games Workshop Bike Bases. 25mm x 75mm.
They are quite expensive - $7 only gets you five.
I am thinking of turning to Litko for the 200 that I still need!
Nothing like massed ranks of cavalry! And the fact the many, if not all, are RSM95 makes it even better.
Best Regards,
Very nice! I think I need a few more cavalry myself.
I certainly did!
I assume that there have been no posts for a while because you are busy creating more armies :)
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