Monday, January 20, 2020

The Medical Arm

Nurse Fanny Golightly, white-aproned angel, ministers to the wounded...
Another fine Suren figure who just cries out for an accompanying Medical Officer, some stretcher-bearers and perhaps a couple of tents.

 Before I get too carried away, I had better get on with the Highlanders whose kilts are now DONE.


Ross Mac said...

Wonderful addition!

johnpreece said...

I had overlooked this figure, It is so elegant absolutely beautiful.

The WW1 Knight figures have a medic and nun in 30mm while not having the Suren magic are still very acceptable.

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

She is indeed fetching. But I must admit that my first thought was a young Julie Andrews as the nanny Mary Poppins. It's the wasp waist and hat I think.

Best Regards,


Bloggerator said...

Glad you like her, fellows.

Stokes, I was also thinking of Mary Poppins as I painted her.

John, I'd not thought of the Knight figures. I shall take a look and see what I can see.

