A Few Mounted Types |
I have been rather questioning the utility of mounted figures for my Boer forces. My reading leads me to believe that they virtually never fought from horseback. Rather they were mounted infantry, relying on their horses for strategic and operational mobility. Sooo, just one unit?
Very handsome painting! And nicely terrained bases. It seems your blog is one where I am able to comment.
Kind Regards,
Technical issues?
Apart from a lithograph of mounted Boers surprising a British camp....... I understand there were occasions during the second phase of the war when they raiding parties either launched surprise attacks mounted or used a mounted attack to break through a cordon. The fuzziness of the answer suggests its time to reread that Boer memoir I have...
OK, your fuzzy memories speak to me...
I'll take them up to a dozen figures then!
But no more!
A dozen? Yes!!!
Best Regards,
Yes, mysterious technical issues. Grrrr. . .
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