Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Barry Minot

 Some of my favourite miniatures are the Naploeonic range made by Barry Minot in the 1970s.

There were British and French for Waterloo. I know of infantry for both, and Cuirassiers for the French, The Cuirassiers came in the form of an Officer, bugler and a couple of troopers - at least. that's what I have of them.

I thought I would put up some pictures of the few British Infantry I have. They are beautiful figures, slim and well proportioned and a delight to behold

Where should one start but with the veritable "BN1" of the range. A member of one of the 'Centre' companies, he marches with a determined air, "Belgian" shako set square on his head.
Note if you will, the neatness of the paintjob. I wish I could paint as well as this.
Our next entrant I shall call "BN2" - centre company, standing, firing. Again, look at the fanatic neatness of those tapes on his jacket. Marvellously precise paint-work.

BN3. British Drummer, Belgic Shako. Or not, it does not matter. Another lovely figure. The painting may or may not be accurate; I am not enough of a button-counter to try or even be qualified to critique another hobbyists work. Again, though this is a lovely, clean piece of painting.

Maybe BN 4, maybe not, Nonetheless, I shall name this composition so. What a wonderful piece this is. Charming animation to this single-piece casting.
All the fab four (five?)-some.

The Minot figures scale quite well with the Willie range for height and pleasing looseness of style. They remind me of the Stadden range in terms of their and bulk and fineness of detail.

I give them a 10/10 for my favourite Napoleonic figures and if anyone wants to sell me any, drop me a line at


David Morfitt said...

They are very attractively elegant figures!



Bloggerator said...

David, my oh my, they certainly are.



WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Yes! And I recognize 'BN4.' The pair featured in quite a few photographs of Peter Gilder's games/collection at the original Wargames Holiday Centre, which appeared in early issues of Miniature Wargames. I would have given my eye teeth for a few large battalions (30+) of these at the time. Alas, schoolboy finances would not permit such indulgence.

Kind Regards,


Bloggerator said...

Well Stokes, now as a more substantial figure (haha) you and I shall meet then upon the battlefield that is eBay.

Bonne chance, mon ami,
