Monday, September 04, 2023

Lots of Zulus!


A small horde of Zulus
It's not been all redcoats here at the Duchy of Alzheim. No, not by any means at all. As anyone who has had even a glancoing appreciation for the Zulu War, you realist that for every red-coated son of brecon that you paint, you need five or six Zulus.

In that wise, as I have been painting Bromhead and his handful of stalwarts, I have also been working on some Zulus. I spent my weekend painting a few more of the Zulus it was time to do some basing.

Backs to the wall!

One or two more British were added. Gosh they are a fiddle to paint if you want to get the straps looking nice and tidy... Just imagine if the Zuus were as fiddly!

Wippy Chard


Donnie McGibbon said...

Really enjoying these posts, I don't do colonial wargaming but do love seeing them, those figures are just lovely and your work brings them to life, great stuff!!

Bloggerator said...

I'd better keep those brushes in motion, hey Donnie!

Rob said...

Lovely paint jobs and just what those gorgeous figures deserve. The Zulu are particularly great anatomical sculpts so much more convincing and 'alive' than the chunkier sculpting that is more prevalent these days.

Bloggerator said...

Thank-you Rob. I really ought top post some pictures of my Black Tree Design Zulus.

David Morfitt said...

Nice work. The varied Zulu shields always look attractive. It's hard to imagine a greater contrast in appearance than that between the British and the Zulus. Good luck with all those straps!