Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Painting Flags


Sir Allen Aspley's Foote, ECW
Acrylic on lightly varnished copy paper. Marked up with a pencil and then coloured.


David Morfitt said...

A Belated Happy New Year! I'm sure that will look fine with your troops; here's my go at the same flag (don't know if you will be able to see it as it's an attempt at a draft post on blogger!): https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/133987073420297016/6887749867351044305

Bloggerator said...

Thanks David. I didn't realise you did ECW flags.

David Morfitt said...

It's a sort of abortive project where I did a few flags - well, so far, anyway! Perhaps I'll pick it up again. (At least many of the flags are relatively simple designs to produce.) Too many projects, too little time! Could you get at my flag OK? I didn't want to post it to the world, only for your perusal... :-)

David Morfitt said...

I see that it was as far back as 2012 that I did a single post on some Royalist ECW flags! https://nba-sywtemplates.blogspot.com/2012/07/english-civil-war-flags-royalist.html

Bloggerator said...

Hi David, yes, I found it. I'll gladly print it out and make use of it. Thankyou. Agree that they are pretty simple for the most part although those of Prince Rupert's Foot are something else again! And of course, ECW regiments are generic enough that one could build a library of flags for the purpose of identity changes.

David Morfitt said...

Glad you'll be able to use it. :-) If there any particular ECW flags you'd like, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I have good material on them, although of course our information is rather patchy...