The Estaerhazy Hussars thunder past. Long in the Imperial service, they are well overdue to have their basing brought up to a more modern standard.
The Imperial Artillery. I note their mounted officer is out of uniform!
The imperial Infantry. De los Rios in the foreground, Insbruchen behind, and the Swiss to the rear. remember the French saying "Pas de argent, pas de Suisse!"
Alzheims brave artillery. Time to start on teams for the guns.
Von Browne agrees. As he ought!
Alzheims' Jager korps line the walls of an enclosure. Spanking chaps.
von Prittwitz' regiment. Perfection if I do say so. One of my favouurites.
Alzheimer infantry. The LeibGrenadier Garde, behind them are the LeibRegiment and then de la Rosee. The latter are short 17 Privates, their Colonel (who must be awol with his mistress) and their fahnenjunker. Oh! The shame!
The dread Black Genadiers? No, they just need new coats.
The Buddenbrock Cuirassiers.
The Brigade of Dragoons. The Marchmont Regiment needs to be rebased to match the Comardo Regiment. Apart from tht, perfection! |