Wednesday, April 17, 2024

There is nothing quite like...


...Stadden Prussians
A small follow-up as to what's been coming off the painting desk since my "What's Next" post of a few days back.

IR #5 has had a few minor additions with a few more yet to come. Then I'll be out of stock locally and will have to make a decision on whether I should order more in if I am to continue.

My question to myself is do I want to commit to painting another 50? At my rate of painting, they would take me about two months of my hobby time.

To ask the question is to have the answer.


Donnie McGibbon said...

They are rally top notch, super work on them. To answer your question on a purely selfish way, yes another 50 of those beauties is a must do!!

Bloggerator said...

Haha, OK you talked me into it Donnie.

Rob said...

You have to at least complete the grenadier company as those figures are magnificent!

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Well, were it me -- And I am known for rather cloudy, rose-tinged judgment in these regards. -- I'd make up an order for the final 50 or so and paint up the entire regiment. These are simply too wonderful not to do so. Very much in keeping with your work of, say, 2005-2007. Except these are Staddens!

Kind Regards,


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

And now that I think of, I'm getting the itch to have another go at a solo Sittangbad refight this summer. Cats and the capricious Young Master permitting, maybe it might happen and be fought to a natural conclusion this time.

Kind Regards,


Bloggerator said...

Thank-you Stokes.

I will probably do just that.

Yes, it is time for you to pull out the troops as well!
