Monday, September 16, 2024

Yes, yes, I fell down a rabbit hole.

 One dug by Lord of the Rings.

That'll teach me to watch a few episodes of Amazon's "Rings of Power".

I pulled out my pile of LotR shame, and oo-er, it's a big one.

I was thinking, Uruk Hai, Minas Tirith, Warg riders...

So this happened over the weekend.

They need finishing, but that is how I am heading. I think I have 8 or 9 painted and another 6 or 7 in various states. Enough to give Rohan some trouble.

The GW Uruks always suffered from bendy or plain old broken pikes, but I have salvaged a dozen which are now now on the paint bench.

Wouldn't a pike block of 60 of these fellows look good? 3 ranks, 20 files. And because pikes are Landsknechty, I had to do this:

Nothing like a Berserker with a two-handed sword for ruining your day.
And then there was Minas Turith. I have a few goodies and some scattered infantry, but, I want to go fairly big on this army, so went for this for the core of the army.

I'd add Citadel Guard and Guardians of the Fountain Court and probably more knights as well. However, I think this is a good start!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

The High Command

So to speak.

Some years ago I inherited a random and diverse collection of French for Egypt. Some were Willies for the later battles of the campaign, ditto some Old Glory. I believe they were surplus from the Collection of Charles Grant which he's probably had in the 1990s while he was writing his books on the campaign and his series of articles for Practical Wargamer.

Some bits of this collection were useful and joined my current army which is my round about way of saying I painted something.

I forget which regiment this is...
Will he be the beginning of another regiment or will he hang about the Corsican Tyrant?
One just needs a large enough piece of plastic to mount them on.
I do like the uniform and will likely do a unit. I am keeping my French cavalry units fairly small as they did not get to Egypt in any great strength. The 7eme bis Hussars are 8 troopers and an officer for example, and that's the standard I'll build the two mooted units of Dragoons I have in mind as well.

Well, that's enough 'castles in the air' for one day.

Keep on smiling.