Sunday, August 28, 2016


I had a few Holger Ericsson figures floating about so I decided to use them to create a small unit of Jager modeled on some in the possession of Stokes. Just eighteen figures but just right in my view.

Not entirely sure, but they will probably join the Duchy of Alzheim Army with an option on that of the Kingdom of the Czechs of which more anon.


Conrad Kinch said...

Do di do di do di do.... the moves like Jaeger.

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Yes! These old Holger Eriksson figures are wonderful. A good paint job too if I may say so, General de Latte.

Best Regards,


The Border Prince said...

They look really nice. I've allways loved these old-style figures.

By the way, I borrowed Lars-Eric Höglund's book about the Scanian War at the library a few days ago. (I have some plans for some Scanian war skirmishing.) So Ican probably help with wich Swedish units served in Germany and what their uniforms and banners looked like.