Monday, April 10, 2006

Fortress Progress

This morning I finished undercoating the last demi-bastion and also finished card-cladding the last full bastion.

With luck thise two components ought to be finished by this time tomorrow. The rest of the week should see me getting onto building the gate-house. The basic shape is there in polystyrene, and I have some old Brettonian shields and parts from a Prince August cannon casting for a crest and a trophy of arms to dress it with. I'll probably use some old mounting board I have to do the gateway with, and some dowel to form the ornamental pillars.

The last job will be to build some gun platforms for the artillery I intend to mount on the fortress. I've had the guns for a while, Hinchcliffe 24pdrs on fortress mounts - but only four of them. I think I'll buy another four to fully arm the fortress.

Then that'll be it. All done.

For my next project I intend to put together a glacis for the fortress. Also, I bought some model boats on the weekend. I got five of them for $AU17.50 (multiply by about 0.74 or divide by 2.4 to get the $US or GBP figures respectively) from a place that sells model boat bits. I thought they might make nice supports for a pontoon bridge. I'll let you know how that goes.

So here we are at this blog's 100th post.

Again, I want to thank everyone who has dropped by and taken a look or even left a comment, tip or hint.

Thanks to you all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that fortress is coming along beautifully !

Steve Cady

Bloggerator said...

Thanks gentlemen,

More pictures tonight.

The gateway is underway at the moment and should be finished by the end of the week.

The pontoons are looking OK so far. They may require waterlining, though... and that would be a pity, because I had a number of uses for them lined up in my head.

I'm also going to get the first of the templates uploaded to the OSW site tonight.

