Monday, May 06, 2024

Napoleon in Egypt

 Well, now. What to do when you are a little weary of painting tartan and your Prussians are yet to put in an appearance?

Why, you pick up the threads of an old project, of course.

Trudge, trudge, trudge. le desert mauvais... le cafard... les mirages

I painted three of these over the weekend - the thirds' base is still a bit of a WiP so he's not made the cut photographically.

They really are quite enjoyable figures to paint and I can get one done in about an hour without too much of an effort.

They will be joining the 9eme de Ligne in short order.

Using the Charge! organisation is something of a cliché with me, but, you know you pays your money and takes your choises.

The ultimate plan here is three Charge!-style units of three line and one Grenadier company, another unit of light infantry and two units (12 figures each) of cavalry - one of hussars and one of dragoon.

I have 3/4 of the first unit of infantry done and scraps of cavalry units and half the Light infantry.

Then there are the Mamelukes.


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Indeed, there is much to be said for unit organization as laid out by ol' Yong and Lawford when it comes to the look of the thing. Spiffing figures by the way!

Kind Regards,


Bloggerator said...

Thank-you Stokes.

The castings are not too rough which is a blessing.

With the standard three-company Charge! organisation, I can squint a bit and convince myself that is is an actual demi-brigade of three battalions.

Best wishes as ever,


Rob said...

They look tres jolie, those early uniforms were much more striking. Did Willie do any Mamelukes, and if so enough for a nice irregular look?

Bloggerator said...

Willie did some light cavalry that would be suitable, but only one figure pose, so... Many and varied paint jobs. Small conversions &c. I'll post what I have later in the (local) day.


Donnie McGibbon said...

Lovely work as always and great looking figures, very nice all round!! Look forward to seeing some of the cavalry.