Monday, May 20, 2024

Tweaking Mameluke basing.



I think this might do the trick. Not every horse-man will get his base so liberally garnished with followers, but ... enough will. Then there might also be a subsequent rank to reinforce the illusion.

I need to get my hands on some more 40x75mm Renedra bases to see how an entire unit looks.

What do you think?


Donnie McGibbon said...

Nice solution, I really like the look of the horseman and followers, works well.

WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

It all looks/sounds extremely promising so far!

Kind Regards,


Bloggerator said...

Thanks guys.

I was one solution to the issue of the 'followers' both from a rules point of view and one of aesthetics. I think they add something to the somewhat chaotic look of the Mamelukes and as a reminder that they are not 'regular' cavalry. The French in contrast will have small bases of 25x50mm and therefore able to form more 'orderly' ranks.

As I say in the post, I don't think every base will be festooned with figures; just enough to make the point.

Rob said...

Really makes a great irregular look. I think having several bases with no foot followers to represent leading Mamelukes (or Mameukes if auto-correct will allow) that have outpaced their followers will enhance the irregular look even further, perhaps even a base at the back with just a few of the slower pedestrians?

Khusru said...

It looks right for that kind of tribal warband.

Bloggerator said...

Cheers, that's the feeling I'm after.