Some shots showing front, rear and "the other side" views.
A Blog dedicated to the creation of my Seven Years' War Army in miniature. Among other things!
As you can see I have started work on the glacis and another ravelin.
The basic shape of the glacis seems about right; I'm fairly happy about how the pieces all fit together. Next stop will be to laminate card to the back and bottom of each piece before I carve the actual slops for each piece. The card will give me a hard couple of edges to run the hot wire cutter down.
Tomorrow night will see me cutting out the third ravelin preparatory to me starting to clad the two new ones in card.
I'm thinking of painting the whole glacis in something like Goblin Green (TM) paint with a couple of handsful of texture mixed into it. Following a suggestion from the OSW group (was that you Henry?) I'll probably go to my paint shop and ask them to mix me up a four-litre lot based on my own DIY colour chip. This ought to be a reasonable colour match for the poster-card I am using for the Blasthof terrain - the hill needs to be re-painted. It's too dark at the moment.
Any questions?
In the latter role, I will build a small, detatchable deck to run a gun or other stores onto.
This leads me to think that it is time foe me to create a corps of pontoniers and recruit some engineers.
Furthermore, I might have to get some gabions - I'm thinking of building a pair of battery positions for some siege artillery. Can anyone suggest a method of manufacture or, failing this, a manufacturer?