Saturday, February 12, 2022

Great War Figures

 Once upon a time I found a UK company called The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit. They had a magnificent range of Great War figures. 28-30mm scale, the anatomy that was just so, the research behind the figures was exemplary.

I bought a few samples (about 15 or so) and admired them greatly before partially painting them and then putting them aside.

I mean, seriously, what's not to love? The bugler? The officer with his coat draped over his shoulders?

Well, the inevitable happened and I decided I wanted more and of course they had gone out of production.

Let this be a lesson to all who read. Strike while the iron is hot!

I suppose the Plan B is Raventhorpe.

I already have this Rapid Fire! battalion I made for a planned Safi game as part of operation Torch which are useable as they are.

And wouldn't these fellows look dapper in Horizon Bleu?


David Morfitt said...

The bugler and officer do certainly have character. It's a pity the firm went out of business.

Horizon blue is very attractive, isn't it? Much better than all those khaki shades - and where are all the colourful flags... ;-)



Bloggerator said...

Ha, yes indeed.



Stryker said...

That's happened to me as well looking to top up on figures I probably bought 20 years ago!

What about IT Figures 20mm WW1 range? I have a few and they are very nice and appear to still be available from frontlinewargaming.

Bloggerator said...

Stryker, yes, I have been looking there as well and they are certainly my next choice.

I've had dealings with frontline in the past and have always had a favorable impression.

