A nice little force, just the thing. |
Happy Easter - I hope everyone has enjoyed the break. Easter Sunday was an unexpected bonus for me in terms of free time, so I made best use of it to finish my third Prussian unit.
So here they are, posed next to the artillery as they are reviewed by their Brigadier and Prince Bismarck (no less!).
What next - more Infantry or... some Uhlans? |
I believe that the dismal Silesian tavern they are marching past is called "The Electors Arms" or some such.
That way - over yonder. |
A nice little force indeed- how true.
The fort has progressed well and it will be good to see it in action.
A fine looking Brigade. Uhlans! Definitely Uhlans!
Nice looking troops --- Uhlans !
Uhlans? Yes! And maybe some hussars later? Who can resist those horsemen in their colorful dolmans and tight riding breeches?
Best Regards,
Von Tschatschke
Uhlans, definitely.
Oh if I must then. Uhlans.
Hussars for Stokes. Later!
I was going to suggest... Cuirassiers! But uhlans always look the business! The inn could be called the Elector's Head, maybe...
A very martial looking body of troops you have there. I look forward to seeing them in action...
At the moment AdP, I have two units' worth of unpainted Uhlans.
I do have it in mind to later do a unit each of Cuirassiers and of Dragoons as a "Heavy Cavalry" brigade.
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