I want a fort here. And another here and a battery there. |
Do you think anyone is watching? |
A Blog dedicated to the creation of my Seven Years' War Army in miniature. Among other things!
I've been quietly pecking away at a few more gunners and just about have enough to crew my guns.
About to open fire on my monitor-and-keyboard. The gabions are resin from a local manufacturer.The question pretty well answers itself, does it not?
I managed a little painting over the weekend.
You may recall the pair of guns I was refurbishing. They had been hanging around forever. One had started to fall apart from neglect. So, it was out with the paints and superglue and we were good. I got some gunners either painted or, in a coupe of cases, merely based. Simple stuff, and lo and behold I had my first gun crew. The officer in the background is meant to be an engineer officer, but I have another casting who will get a red coat in the fullness of time.The colours are a little washed out by the photography, but these are the flags of the Bearn Regiment from David's website.
The rest of the regiment is based up, but I am short about 9 minis to get it over the line. Here's hoping they are here by Christmas.
...but the basing of the La Sarre regiment is finally done.
The bases are Renedra and the flags were David's: https://nba-sywtemplates.blogspot.com/2011/08/colours-of-french-la-sarre-infantry.html
There is acrylic gel modelling on the bases and numerous tufts and flocking galore.
They speak of war on the Mohawk.
And, as we gently move away for now from the Boer War, another old favorite heaves into view. I speak of the French and Indian War. I shan't go into the whys and wherefores, I think the back pages of this blog will do that well enough.
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Refs by Blandford |
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No Willie jokes this time, please |
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Some of the brave lads of the La Sarre Regiment |
So, I've painted 33 Boers and a dozen British in a rush and it's time to do something else for a bit.
I have comparatively little terrain for the Boer War. This weekend, I tried an experiment to see what I could do with what I had. What you are looking at is a kind of layout I might use if the garrison of Ladyking or Himberley might have sallied out one moonless night to see what mischief they might wreak on a Boer gun position.
You're looking at one of my two 90 by 150 centimetre tables. The ridge-line or kop is made from layers of 30cm square cork tile. I faced them with grass matt paper on one side and left them in their natural state on the other.
In the foreground are my imagined denizens of the bushveldt - anthills and acacia trees. The table itself is green on one side and au naturel on the other for a more arid look. I am making a few more anthills as I read so much about British troops taking cover behind them in the big battles of the war.
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A Few Mounted Types |
A random sampling of the weekends' painting.
A few Willie Boers and a British cavalryman mounting up. Another splendidly useless figure, but too good not to paint.
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From TVAG..? Maybe..? |
I have no idea whether the colour of the carriage is right, but I think it will do.
Rampaging around the 'net the other day, I note that Askari Miniatures do a very suitable Krupp 75mm gun and limber that I must pick up three of each to make up a Boer Staatsartillerie battery for TSatF. I note also Mr Askari has some Krupp mountain guns that wil do nicely for my Willie British.
These few pictures might tell you a little story of where I am going next.
This first one is of some few Swedish Dragoons. I wonder how many of Holger Ericsson's figures representing the army of Charles XII are actually painted as such.
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I am nothing but responsive to my comments... |
These beautiful marching figures are from a small stash I have had in my collection for quite a long time part-painted. So, I shall need to buy a few more to round them out to a full unit which will be well worth the expenditure. Don't tell anyone, but it would be a lovely thing to put together a small Swedish army from HE figures. All arms are represented fairly comprehensively and by heaven I already have rather a lot of infantry. There are even horse teams for the guns.
Next are some more HE figures. Those in the first picture below are some of the first HE's that I bought when I heard of them, they are painted in something of the style of the French guard cavalry.
Next there is a lovely little batch that came to me through JP from the collection of Stuart Asquith which are not too far away from my own in their look. I am thinking of a composite Alzheim Leib Regiment with Dukes' and Duchesses' squadrons respectively. These too will take a few purchases to bring them up to strength and the heck with it, yes they will both be rather over-officered with many an appointment "à la suite".
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The picture does not really do them justice... |
Last, we have another red-coated regiment from the Comardo Collection. I had long since decided that the Alzheim dragoon regiments will wear red coats and here we shall go.
I think that totals another 49 cavalry which will need to be completely painted from scratch plus the finishing works that will need to be done on the 15 Swedish Dragoons which are on he painting desk now. I like that. Also, the Comardo Alzheim Dragoons paint time will neatly fill the waiting time for the newly ordered figures On a financial front it represents a good combination of lead pile reduction and new incomers!
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A dashing Holger Ericsson Cavalryman indeed. |
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And a stolid King of Prussia by HE as well. |
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De Lusignan's cavallerie legere with Von Abriegelung's Cuirassiers in the background |
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In reversed colours with a banner cribbed from Kronoskaf with some small overpainting. |
The other siren call for me is to round out a couple of LOTR armies I have doodled away at over the past 5-6 years - Rohan and Orcs. Each is at around 80 odd figures each and I could see myself building them out to around 130 Rohan (60 riders and 50-80 shieldwall). and 150-180 Orcs (mostly infantry with about 20 Warg riders). That's a rather big temptation, and I painted 5 orcs in between working on the last batch of de Lusignan's.
Another thought is to carry on with my Y2K Bundeswehr. I have a platoon of infantry painted (1:1), four diecast Marder 1A5s undercoated, a Gepard coming in the post and my eye firmly on some Leopard 2s. Looking around for Soviets and I think Zveda "Art of Tactic" Cold WAr Hot figures will do nicely for Soviets/Russians. There are plenty of kits of BTRs, BMPs and BRDMs about. Ditto later model Soviet era tanks as well.
And then also too there is my Blitzkreig to Barbarossa collection which burgeons. Have to admit there though that I had a wobble and trailed off in a 1944-ish direction with some panthers and Maultier trucks.
Plenty of options to chose from. Thoughts and opinions more than welcome! :)
And that is the last figure of that fine body of horsemen. Looking at the lace pattern on the saddle-cloth and the pole, I would assume that this will be an Alzheimer Regiment.
The Graf Von Abriegelung is a solitary, introverted type of chap who enjoys long, quiet days in the library, taking a constitutional around the battlements of his ancient, Ivy infested old Schloss. It's said that the Plague went through the town below and he didn't even notice.
Daily management of the Regiment of which he is Inhaber is of course devolved upon the senior Captain....
And a quick update:
I could have done some work in the garden, I suppose.
But I didn't.
With their gloss varnish drying in the early morning sunshine, I present the latest unit of Spencer Smiths, painted very much as 'German" cuirassiers. They still require two officers and an Ensign.
The naming Dear Readers, I leave to you. If it helps, they will be in the Imperial service.
Am I drawing back the curtain too much? Is too much of the mystery lost?
See if you can find somewhere to sit in my disorderly palais de peinture.
The chap to his right needs the rest of his armour done and I need to decide what's going on with his surcoat. Currently it's a rather painstakingly highlighted gray going on white, but who knows what a flick through my various medieval references will throw up.
Meanwhile in our next shot...
The fellow on the his back in the fetching "or, fretty gules" number needs his armour and weapons completed. The two 1/72 tankers are modern Bundeswehr by Caesar, Excellent detail on them but you'd never know it under all that flecktarn.
Time to take a little break from 1/72 panzer grenadiers and let my eyes rest for a while on something larger and yet also simpler.
I went and pulled out the Comardo Collection of cavalry with my son and arranged them all on the floor of the shedio. We picked out four units for renovation, and if I had been thinking straight this morning I would have shot all four of them, but that's me without coffee.![]() |
Just crane your neck to the right |
I laid my hands on a couple of boxes of Revell Panzergrenadiers recently and it seemed like a good moment to pull a few out and paint them to see what I was getting myself into.
I think they are a case of the sculptor getting very ambitious in the posing while the mold technology used was not quite up to the job. There is lots of excess material where the mold has been unable to reach. Also, there is quite a bit of clash, mold lines and some evidence of mold mis-alignment. Grrr.
Cleanup is a big part of the job.
Nice looking figures once you get past these issues, though. Very lively and natural looking poses.
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A somewhat minimalist Soviet infantry battalion |
The second battalion is being sketched out now which means I'll also have to find a Regimental HQ, a 45mm ATG and a 75mm infantry gun. All fun tasks, I hasten to add!
Also on the drawing board are a company of Revell panzer grenadiers. I spent a rather grim session early this morning shaving off the flash and mould lines before undercoating them.
When I was a kid and indeed a young adult, I built model kits by the score. Not very well, mostly, but I did get better in the end. Alas, like with so many things, once built, they would languish in a box or on a shelf from which occasionally they would tumble and so the pile of broken off lets, prop blades, antennae, struts and pitot tubes would pile up, one day to be stuck back on.
That's what I thought, anyway. Other forces doubtless intervened to clear way the shattered Luftwaffe and RAF casualties and so over time, very little of my early output survived. I once put together and painted a half dozen of the wonderful Matchbox T-34/76 when I was very much under the spell of the 'Command Decision" Barbarossa 25 campaign book.. How useful they'd be to me now! Yet, all that remains is a single wheel-less and unturreted hull.
Still, it's not all bad news, as last night I came across this:
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From an abandoned airfield somewhere in Russia... |
Or oppose the crossing of the Bug. These figures and the aircraft are pretty self-explanatory.
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Zvezda Soviet Infantry |
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Airfix Hs-123 |
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Almost there..! |
I've been whiling away the winter weeks and COVID induced lockdowns here in Melbourne painting for the early part of the Second World War. On top of having Richard Marsh's scenarios for the Eastern Front, I also recently picked up the newish Blitzkreig Battle Groups supplement for Rapid Fire. I was also picking through old issues of Wargames Illustrated and was taken again by Richards' old display game based on the siege of Cholm which took place after the initial German march on Moscow broke down in the face of Soviet resistance and the rigours of the Russian winter.
I noted and really admired the pictures of the Zvezda figures from their "Art of Tactic" as well as the "German Platoon" sets in the newer of the RF! publications, so I was determined to use them myself. Naturally I seem to have missed the boat both with their German and Soviet platoon sets which seem to be almost completely unobtainable at the moment which is a huge pity as the figure are superb, so I have settles purely on the Art of Tactic figures with some ring-ins from here and there.
The goal then is to put together a couple of battalion each of "winter" and "summer" Germans, a couple of three battalion regiments of likewise "summer" and "winter" Soviets and a battalion of BEF British.
A air amount of painting as been completed as you can see. Paints as ever are GW. Mostly Death Guard Green for the tunics and Administratum Gray for the trousers and helmets. Vehicles got a base coat of Tamiya German Gray, a wash of GW Nuln oil and then dry-brushing in Administratum Gray which was lightened for lighter layers of dry-brushing with white.
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Zvezda PAK36 |
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Matchbox SDKFZ10 and Pegasus IG18 |
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Zvezda Command types |
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Zvezda German infantry and MG34 team |
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Zvezda German infantry |
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Zvezda German "Winter" Command |
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Pegasus German Infantry at Stalingrad. |
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Size comparison Pegasus and Zvezda. |
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The BEF, again by Zvesda. |
Thanks for looking in. if anyone has one of the German or Soviet Platoon Sets going spare, do drop me a line..! The Strelets Germans in Stalingrad set would be welcome as well! :^) bloggerator@gmail.com